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Free eBooks

A collection of free cosmic philosophy eBook downloads in PDF format (optimized for 6-7″ screens like smartphones and small tablets, or 10″+ screens like larger tablets and computers) and ePub format (ideal for eInk eReaders).

The Monadology (1714) by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
In 1714, German philosopher Gottfried Leibniz proposed a theory of ∞ infinite monads that, while seemingly far removed from physical reality and at odds with modern scientific realism, has been reconsidered in light of developments in modern physics and more specifically non-locality.
Neutrinos and the attempt to escape ∞ infinite divisibility.
The only evidence that neutrinos exist is "missing energy" and the concept contradicts itself in several profound ways. This case reveals that neutrinos originate from an attempt to escape infinite divisibility.
Introduction to Cosmic Philosophy
An introduction to cosmic philosophy with philosophical evidence that quantum computing could potentially lead to uncontrollable conscious artificial intelligence (AI).
The Moon Barrier: Were Plato and Aristotle right about life?
Might life be bound to a region around the 🌞 Sun? Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle predicted that life is restricted to a "sublunary sphere" below the Moon while science today never sent life beyond the moon. A philosophical exploration of this mystery.

Philosophy eBooks About Scientism

Daniel C. Dennett Charles DarwinCharles Darwin or Daniel Dennett?

For free eBooks that delve into the philosophical underpinnings of scientism, the emancipation-of-science from philosophy movement, the anti-science narrative and modern forms of scientific inquisition, visit 🦋 contains an eBook of a popular online philosophy discussion titled On the Absurd Hegemony of Science in which philosophy professor Daniel C. Dennett participated in defense of scientism.

📲 (2025) Free eBooks on Scientism Source: 🦋
    Foreword /
    🌐💬 Understanding the Cosmos and Nature with Philosophy

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